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Go ahead and do absolutely nothing

Do-Nothing Vacations or “Slowcations” are on the rise as more travellers ditch ambitious vacation checklists in favour of tech-free, unstructured rest. A sharp contrast to

Home & Cottage

Make the most of the season

While many boaters choose to moor at sunset, Moe Elnewishy, General Manager of Lefroy Harbour, says there’s no reason the fun has to end when


Healthy and beautiful

Comfort and confidence are key elements of a healthy lifestyle: achieving them starts by treating the entire person, inside and out, says Nurse Practitioner Emily

Home & Cottage

Custom-built saunas heal and create joy

After a lifetime of putting his body through some rough treatment, Jason Lilley, owner of Mill Lane Saunas, learned about the health benefits of plunging

Level up your cottage self-care with an impeccably designed sauna

If you’ve dreamed of adding a sauna to your cottage wellness routine but aren’t fond of the rustic barrel-style sauna kits, you’re not alone.

Cosmetic treatments boost confidence and bring out the best in beauty

Confidence is the true essence of beauty. Knowing this, Muskoka’s Beauty Bar works with clients of all ages to deepen that sense of self.

A summer of great boating at your fingertips

Fast, fun, and oh so easy to use – no matter what kind of boating you’re into, those are some of the key attributes

Simplify your home’s lighting for aesthetics and safety

If you find yourself flicking on every switch in your room until you find the right light, you’re not alone. Since the dawn of

Go ahead and do absolutely nothing

Do-Nothing Vacations or “Slowcations” are on the rise as more travellers ditch ambitious vacation checklists in favour of tech-free, unstructured rest. A sharp contrast

Make the most of the season

While many boaters choose to moor at sunset, Moe Elnewishy, General Manager of Lefroy Harbour, says there’s no reason the fun has to end

Healthy and beautiful

Comfort and confidence are key elements of a healthy lifestyle: achieving them starts by treating the entire person, inside and out, says Nurse Practitioner

Transform your dock to suit your family’s changing interests

In a busy and ever-changing world, the cottage remains a place of rest, leisure, and entertainment. But if you look closer at your time

Custom-built saunas heal and create joy

After a lifetime of putting his body through some rough treatment, Jason Lilley, owner of Mill Lane Saunas, learned about the health benefits of

Fly simply with customizable lease programs

The only thing more luxurious than taking to the skies in a private jet is knowing it’s yours to use whenever you need to
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Level up your cottage self-care with an impeccably designed sauna

Changing the client-builder relationship, one build at a time

Let the specialists keep mosquitoes away from your event