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Platinum Electrical Contractors

Keep your home and business running with a standby generator

Electricity has never been more important than it is today. In addition to operating appliances and light sources, heat and air conditioning, this vital power source now charges our vehicles and powers our home offices and security systems.

“Power alternatives like generators are increasingly important for work, education and entertainment,” says Adam Wachtel, master electrician and owner of Platinum Electrical Contractors.

In this area, generators are essential, not a luxury. We usually experience several outages each year – a rate that many expect will grow as the utility grid ages, the climate changes, electric vehicles and heat pumps become more prevalent. All of this continues to worsen the dependability of the electric utility grid.

A home standby generator, like those from Generac, can be plumbed directly into your home’s fuel system, regardless of whether it’s propane or natural gas. However, Adam notes that generators are not a one-size-fits-all solution.

“We start by understanding what’s essential for your property and your family during an outage. We propose and design a system to protect those loads as a minimum, then add in the creature comforts as budget and preference allow. This gives us incredible flexibility for each person’s wish list and budget.”

On one end, you can use a generator to run just the essentials: a few lights, your furnace, refrigerator, WiFi, security system and any well or sump pumps. On the other end, you can equip your home with a generator solution large enough to operate every appliance and light as if there were no outage at all.

While tailoring your design, Adam’s team calculates the size of its electrical load and determines the right generator for each home. “We consider your available fuel sources. If you have a gas or propane currently, we can use the same fuel to operate your generator.”

Creating the list of loads – a term for items to be protected by the generator – and matching your needs to the correct generator may seem simple, but there’s a science to the process that sets Platinum Electrical apart from other generator installers.

For example, Adam notes, when a large appliance like an air conditioner begins running, it requires a surge of power. However, Adam’s team often sees generators that are large enough to run those air conditioners, but not large enough to handle their startup loads. “That’s the last thing you want amid a hot summer storm and blackout.”

Through their careful calculations, Adam and his team ensure each circuit continues to run, regardless of the startup load. It takes a bit of extra time and planning, but it’s a necessary step.

“In as little as one visit, your generator is installed safely and has been warranty registered, tested, inspected and commissioned.”

That includes simulating an outage to demonstrate how it will operate when the next storm comes. “Don’t be left in the dark. Stay comfortable and safe with a professionally installed, reliable standby generator.”



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