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Pearl Rejuvenation

Medical treatments to help you achieve ageless vitality

From an early age, Dr. Jennifer Pearlman understood that there are things we can do to proactively enhance and extend our lives.

“When I was a young girl, I nearly lost my father to a very serious heart attack that despite his youth and physical fitness was linked to underlying genetic, nutritional, and lifestyle factors,” she says.

As she pursued medical training, she found that the critical interplay between health and lifestyle was not at all a focus. “Even twenty years on, the conventional medical curriculum remains very much ‘sick care’ focused, with a one pill for every ill approach.”

Biomedical research also tends to be very male centric. “Women’s health issues and needs are too often overlooked. Women are underrepresented in clinical trials and as a result we end up being addressed as ‘mini-men.’” This gender gap was apparent throughout her training, from cardiology to menopause.

As a result, Dr. Pearlman choose to set her own path in launching PearlMD, now one of the largest women’s health clinics in Canada. She designed a medical model that is wholistic in its approach, woman-centric and proactive in designing a precise plan to help each patient age her very best.

“Our health and our aging are very much in our hands. Our DNA is not our destiny but rather a roadmap to be shaped by our life choices. The interplay between lifestyle and genetic susceptibilities is the emerging science of epigenetics. Our hardwired genetic code is but the first chapter of the complex book of life.”

Dr. Pearlman offers precise, functional medical care to help her patients feel and look their best at any age. She is board-certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, certified by the North American Menopause Society, and the Global Ambassador for the Aesthetic Multi-Specialty Society, the largest group of cosmetic physicians in the world. She is an in-demand internationally acclaimed speaker and master trainer for other physicians.

Her unique medical model is shaped by the five Ps: it is Precise (driven by the patient’s unique biomarkers); it is Personalized to the patient’s lifestyle; it is Proactive and Preventative; and it is founded on a Partnership between the patient and their medical team.

Treatments can range from hormone therapy to lifestyle counselling, from stem cell treatments to food-based custom formulated health supplements, all expertly matched to best suit each individual patient’s needs.

The treatments help patients future-proof their health, body, mind, and beauty to benefit from the coming wave of life-extending regenerative therapies. Dr. Pearlman is actively helping to develop these innovative therapies and making them accessible to her patients.

“There is a tidal wave of scientific breakthroughs coming to market in the next decade,” says Dr. Pearlman, “and with these advances a growing consensus of experts predict that some of us alive today may live to see our 200th birthday!”

“Take care of yourself now and you’ll be well positioned to optimally benefit from the science of tomorrow. Reverse engineering your aging plan means we have to start with today!” Book your complimentary consultation with Dr. Pearlman and her team in Toronto or at either of her two Muskoka locations.



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