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Outdoor fire features add ambience-plus

There’s something about a gathering that invites the presence of a fire. Maybe it goes all the way back to our primal beginnings when we humans first discovered the power of flame and spark to cook food and offer warmth. Whatever it is, fire is an important part of our social lives.

Fire tables, globes and bowls add an unparalleled ambiance to get-togethers. Whether it’s a cloudy afternoon or a star-filled evening by the lake, sources of warmth and light are always welcome guests.

“Customers love our line of Barbara Jean fire features,” says Peter Briese, owner of Muskoka BBQ & Outdoor Kitchen centre. With propane and natural gas configurations, the Winnipeg-based company offers a safe option for those times of year when open fires are banned.

Muskoka BBQ also has a line of custom-built fire tables. Whether you opt for the taller bar-top style where guests can pause and chat over a drink, or something lower to the ground for intimate sofa conversations in the wee hours, these are an important addition to outdoor entertainment spaces.

“Lots of our clients are adding fire features to their outdoor kitchen spaces as well,” Peter explains as we admire a fire globe with instant visual appeal. They definitely inspire conversation and add to the overall feeling of relaxation and comfort. Customized fire features were a big hit last season, and orders are already in for more.

Walking into an outdoor cottage space lit with fire features is a special experience. It’s both appealing and casual at the same time. You immediately want to grab a cocktail and something fabulous from the appetizer tray and settle in for some great connection time with friends and family.

And when that cooler night breeze blows in off the lake, you won’t feel as chilled with one of these ambient pieces close by. It’s something deep in us, no matter how advanced technology becomes. Light and warmth – and our appreciation for both – unite us wherever we go.

TEXT marnie Woodrow
PHOTOS Scott Turnbull


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