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Take your property back from the flying biters

The water glistens beautifully as the late day sun sets and the temperature cools ever so slightly. Then, the first buzz whizzes by your ear, you feel that annoying nip at your skin, and your mood immediately sours.

Anyone who has lived through a central Ontario summer has likely had an unpleasant experience with mosquitoes. And if you were bitten once, you were probably bitten twice or more.

But you don’t have to live like that, says Jordan Lavin, Chief Operating Officer of

Treatments applied by expert technicians are proven to work: a single application eliminates adult mosquito populations instantly, while providing a residual barrier for up to 21 days. 

“Take back your property,” says Jordan. “One treatment every 21 days in the spring and summer provides all the protection you’ll need for the short cottage season.”

Featuring over 40 service vehicles strategically distributed throughout cottage country, can quickly attend to new customers’ first treatments – often providing service on a next-day basis.

“This comes especially handy during the event season,” says Technical Director Shawn Karn. “Weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and other outdoor celebrations are better off without the uninvited guests who fly and bite.”

For some cottagers, an annual treatment plan is about peace of mind as well as peaceful enjoyment of the outdoors.

“There are health risks to consider,” says Jordan. “Mosquitoes can spread West Nile Virus to humans as well as other animals. It’s important to get protected and then stay protected.”

Tick control
Harmful blacklegged tick populations continue to increase and aggressively spread across Ontario. Active surveillance maps distributed by Public Health Ontario illustrate the estimated tick risk areas: it’s possible to encounter a blacklegged tick almost everywhere in Ontario. The blacklegged tick species is responsible for spreading Lyme Disease. offers a combination of targeted tick spray treatments and tick control tubes to effectively eliminate the risk of tick infestations in, on and around your property.

“You definitely don’t want to be a tick’s next blood meal,” explains Shawn.

Jordan notes that their treatments are engineered and expertly applied to control their targets – namely mosquitoes and ticks – while being safe for children, pets, and other wildlife. 

“We go after the pests which can carry harmful diseases, so the outdoors is safe for everyone to enjoy.”



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