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Lakeside Tree Experts

Care for trees now and enjoy them for years

With precise cuts, arborists Derek Thompson and Shane Butchart remove the dead limbs from the butternut tree and lower them to the ground below. They work carefully to avoid harm or injury to the tree, and watch for signs of butternut canker, a disease that can be detrimental to this species of tree, which is protected by Ontario’s Endangered Species Act.

“It is important to know not only the type of tree that we are working with but the pathogens or pests that are a threat to that particular tree. This butternut tree is a perfect example,” says Scott Black, owner of Lakeside Tree Experts.

It’s not just butternut trees that need regular attention. All trees are susceptible to disease, pest damage, drought, harsh winter storms and a host of other problems that can put the tree in what’s known in the industry as “the spiral of decline.” Proper targeted pruning for tree health and hazard removal will actually enhance the tree’s vitality and provide a safe and shady place in the landscape.

With proper tree care practices, Scott and his team can help keep beloved landscape trees thriving for years longer than they otherwise would.

Inspecting for damage and removing it is particularly important for trees near homes, play areas, or parking spots. A limb or even an entire trunk can look perfectly fine from the ground, but in fact be just a strong wind away from snapping and falling onto whatever is below it.

Damage can start small. Healthy trees can usually withstand an infestation of insects like the spongy moth (formerly called gypsy moth), but if that tree is already weakened by disease, or drought, or poor growing conditions, a season or two of insect infestation can be devastating.

The best solution is treating the problem before it gets too far, says Scott. “Last year was a bad season for spongy moths. It’s hard to say but this season will likely be as well. Deep root fertilization, egg mass removal in the spring and other specialized treatments can help to mitigate the risk of failure and promote overall tree health.”

“We consider ourselves tree preservationists and ideally, we want to help you save your tree. But the reality is sometimes nature takes its toll and we have to shift our focus to the safe removal of the tree to prevent injury to our clients or damage to their property.”

Lakeside Tree is well equipped to safely dismantle even the most challenging trees using modern arboricultural equipment and techniques.

A mature, healthy tree is a gorgeous part of any landscape. Protecting it now can keep you enjoying it for decades to come.



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