You can hear those rumblings of thunder off in the distance. You know any Muskoka storm has the potential to get wild and woolly. How secure do you feel about your generator’s ability to take on a prolonged power outage?
Murray Bullock of 247 Generator Solutions says that during a storm is not the ideal time to find out. “Generators need servicing and maintenance to keep them functioning when you need them the most.”
247 Generator Solutions is a premium dealer that prioritizes your needs. They offer emergency service and will even respond to calls at night. The company sells a selection of premium brands, such as Cummins, Kohler, and Generac, and services those brands as well as all others.
Preparation is key
Hydro is notoriously unstable in the Muskoka region. Outages in the area are often from six hours to four days. Considering the value of what is in your freezer and the potential cost of a frozen pipe is important to your peace of mind and your wallet.
Well-maintained standby generators are always ready to run when you need them. “But they have to be maintained,” Murray says. “We offer maintenance agreements to our customers, and we prioritize their calls over others.”
247 Generator Solutions attempts a phone diagnostic first so they can have the correct parts available when they arrive. “We know response time is important, and we’ll do everything we can to get there fast and get your generator up and running again. Service and response are what we do best.”
Summers are short and winters long in Muskoka. The right generator and maintenance agreement can make both seasons a lot safer and happier.